Home // Advisory services in the area of IFRS

International Financial Reporting Standards, commonly called IFRS, are accounting standards issued by the IFRS Foundation and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Advisory services play a vital role in global financial reporting as it brings uniformity, transparency and comparability of financial information across the globe by ensuring a quality presentation. Adoption of IFRS will increase the reliability of financial statements among the users of financial statements and stakeholders.

Following advisory services may be provided in the field of IFRS :-

  • Analyze the requirement of IFRS and assessing the impact of IFRS implementation.
  • Advisory services related to first time adoption and implementation of IFRS.
  • Assist in redrafting IFRS accounting policies in line with accounting standards or adoption changes.
  • Preparation of IFRS financial statements.
  • Preparation of reconciliation of IFRS with respective country GAAP.
  • Preparation of internal guidelines.
  • Advisory on mandatory and voluntary exemptions to the retroactive approach for transition of accounting.
  • Reporting automation for management.
  • IFRS training and webinars.